God's Voice - Part 7

Scripture Reading - 1 Kings 19:11-13 KJV

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

Today’s lesson will continue to build upon knowing the “Voice of God”. In a previous lesson we set a foundation of Jesus, Thee Good Shepherd, being the “Voice of God” or we could say literally the “Voice of the Lord”. We concluded that if you want to know the “Voice of God” you must be familiar with the “Word of God” specifically recorded in the Holy Bible. In another lesson we learned how the Prophet Samuel learned the “Voice of God” with some guidance from his elder. Thus, many elders are set in the Body of Christ to help younger disciples discern the “Voice of The Lord”. We also spoke about Jesus speaking the “Voice of God” publically and whatever we hear publically through the minister of God has direct impact on our personal lives. We also discussed the “Voice of Lord” coming through a God Ordained/Anointed Minister. Many people look at the man or woman of God as a mere person instead of listening to what they are saying as an inspired minister of God. If we are smart we will examine everything we hear in the light of God’s Word and His Great Love for us. In a previous lesson we discussed the “Voice of the Lord” coming from the Presence of God in our midst, not so much as God speaking to you from a great distance in Heaven. God is always here (on earth) with you therefore you can hear Him in your heart when you are listening for Him. In one lesson we highlighted God speaking to you in a still and small voice. Noting that being still (finding a private place for fellowship with God) and remaining small in your own eyes (humility) will help you in hearing from God. In this lesson we will add to our teaching of the reference verses by also pointing out a common fact in two separate verses. Starting with verse 12 we notice that God spoke in “a still small voice” and in verse 13 it is noted “a voice” came unto Elijah. The word we (ihlcc) want to emphasize is “a” which means that “only one voice” came to Elijah from God. This might not seem like a big deal but we admonish the reader to consider some thoughts about why it is important. Thought 1 God is a triune Being accord to 1 John 5:7 which states, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” So you must know dear faith friend that when you are hearing “the voice of God” you are indeed hearing the combined will of all three. This is important because we don’t want people thinking that Jesus is stating something outside the Word of God previously revealed to us through the Holy Bible. We have also seen in other religions that many accept the scriptures of the Old Testament but feel no connection to the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament. We firmly believe that the same voice of the Lord in the Old Testament is also the same voice of Lord found in the New Testament because God is surely one voice. Yes, we must caution the Body of Christ that even the Holy Spirit speaks only the words of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father God. People claim to have spiritual experiences that are unfounded in the Holy Scriptures and they breed false doctrine and deception. So please understand that whatever you hear from God is the “singular voice of all three” decreeing the will of God the Father in Jesus Holy and Majestic Name. Thought 2 “God speaks a word” to His Holy children not several words at the same time. We (ihlcc) say this because we definitely don’t want people getting confused because they think God is speaking several things to them at the same time. No, we have found God to be both clear and concise. This is why we (ihlcc) place so much emphasis on the Word of God because the scripture doesn’t change overnight. Establishing God’s Voice by way of His Word will keep you strong and steady during the storms of life. In the example of a ship the anchor is made and used to keep the ship in one place. This helps the ship stay steady during the storms that try to influence the ship to move. Yes, likewise, the ever living, ever loving, weighty Word of God will keep you steady in good times and in bad times of testing. It is good to understand “the singular voice of God” will never contradict its self, it is surely “a voice” not several voices. This means the tone is one, the subject is one, the purpose is one and the substance of the voice is one, the correct interpretation (understanding) is one because it is catered specifically to you. God has a heart to bless His Beloved children so this “voice of one” will be a blessing to the person in need because God knows all children that are His and our Father God with the Lord Jesus would never hurt you, harm you or make you afraid. Therefore find the verses that speak the same thing and the right thing to your heart then stick with them as “thee voice God,” not suggestions or recommendations to live by but rather truth to be lived out. Thought 3 God is a “voice of one” even though He uses people. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is “God’s singular voice” when talking to one of His Beloved Children is repetitive. Yes, The Lord will sometimes echo that same word to you over a duration of time. This communication could be a specific scripture or it could even be a certain consistent witness in your heart. Whatever it is for sure it is “one message (a voice)” when it is spoken by God. Don’t be confused if God is speaking one thing to your heart while men are speaking something different to your ears. 1 Corinthians 14:33a KJV reminds us that, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.” The reality is God could be speaking something to your heart that is different than practical human reasoning. Most people tend to operate in the human reasoning realm because it makes sense to them but God doesn’t always think that way. Yes, there are times when God’s instructions for you will line-up easily with your mind such that most people can agree with both you and God. However, if you are like most Christians God will sometimes have you do something that isn’t easy or politically correct and in those cases if (big if here) you tell others about your assignment from God they will offer their opinion which will differ from what God said to you privately. We have learned not to make private information public unless the Lord tells us to. Of course we (ihlcc) can only caution you to follow God’s Word in the Holy Bible and always be led of God’s Love to stay on the straight and narrow path of God. Knowing that “God is only saying one thing” and it is “His singular voice” that leads you and guides you into all victory and success. You don’t have to worry about God speaking one word to you and then The Lord speaks something totally (entirely) different to someone else in your life. No, faith friend, God is One and the Voice of God is One. Yes, the Word of God is “a voice” coming from the triune God Head and God is “a voice” to His Children not several voices floating around in their head and God is still “a voice” when several people are speaking to you at one time. Just purposing to hear “one voice from God” gives you focus of mind and clarity of thought because if you purpose to just hear His Voice and obey His Word you are on the pathway of success with God as a born-again child of God in the Awesome Name of Jesus. Amen!